Monarch Butterflies wintering near Zitacuaro, Michoacan, Mexico
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 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos   

Monarch Butterfly - this one was actually in our yard in October 2007. This one would have been migrating to the coast of Southern California.
Viewed: 3226 times.
Most of the butterflies we saw were looking fairly ragged due to their age. Most Monarch Butterflies live about one month. The generation that makes the migration to Mexico lives about eight months.
Viewed: 2972 times.
All of the Monarch Butterflies in the eastern United States and Canada migrate to Mexico to spend the winter.
Viewed: 2934 times.
We rode horses, which were attended by a boy from the family that owned each horse, on the steeper parts of the climb from about 6500' to 9000'. We walked all of the way down, though. Marcelo, our guide, is in the red shirt. The horse and the boy each cost 100 pesos, about $8.30.
Viewed: 3093 times.
On this warm afternoon many of the butterflies were flying, so the trees weren't "dripping" with butterflies.
Viewed: 2975 times.
Monarch Butterflies in flight.
Viewed: 3285 times.
Many butterflies drinking at a small creek.
Viewed: 3022 times.
Monarch Butterflies resting on a tree.
Viewed: 3036 times.
We hiked the last 500' in elevation to a barrier across the trail; on the trail above the barrier were thousands of butterflies.
Viewed: 3114 times.
Thousands of Monarch Butterflies on the ground.
Viewed: 2970 times.
Three butterflies landed on my wife's back.
Viewed: 3060 times.
The butterflies are found above 9000 feet elevation in the pine forests of eastern Michoacan.
Viewed: 2962 times.
This one seemed to prefer a fir tree.
Viewed: 2923 times.
Another shot of flying butterflies.
Viewed: 2984 times.
A pair of butterflies was mating, though most mating doesn't start until February.
Viewed: 3074 times.
Hundreds of butterflies flying on this warm afternoon.
Viewed: 2901 times.
One tree trunk was packed with butterflies!
Viewed: 3274 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos   
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