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Album: Plain Chachalaca
Changed: Jul 17, 2023.
Contains: 5 items.
Viewed: 1545 times.
| Scaled Quail at Twin Lakes Golf Course in Willcox, Arizona. January 23, 2023. Viewed: 501 times.
| Scaled Quail at Twin Lakes Golf Course in Willcox, Arizona. January 23, 2023. Viewed: 503 times.
| Scaled Quail at Balmorhea Lake south of Balmorhea, Texas. April 2, 2024. Viewed: 188 times.
| Chukar at Ginkgo State Park in Vantage, WA. May 31, 2006. Viewed: 1672 times.
| Album: California Quail
Changed: Jul 25, 2023.
Contains: 9 items.
Viewed: 3558 times.
| Album: Gambel's Quail
Changed: Feb 22, 2025.
Contains: 12 items.
Viewed: 637 times.
| Chukar in a residential area on the west side of Yakima, WA. Someone undoubtedly raised this bird and released it. June 9, 2011. Viewed: 3121 times.
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Album: Ring-necked Pheasant
Changed: Dec 04, 2024.
Contains: 15 items.
Viewed: 3911 times.
| Gray Partridge near Round Lake, Westby, Montana. May 29, 2024. Viewed: 151 times.
| A second Gray Partridge near Round Lake, Westby, Montana. May 29, 2024. Viewed: 139 times.
| Ruffed Grouse, one of four in this large bush, at the house with the famous "Nealy Road feeders" along Nealy Road in the Okanogan Highlands, Okanogan County, WA. Feb. 13, 2016. Viewed: 2291 times.
| Ruffed Grouse along the South Fork of the Tieton Road, southof Rimrock Lake, Yakima County, Washington. October 1, 2023. Viewed: 87 times.
| Gray morph Ruffed Grouse along the South Fork of the Tieton Road south of Rimrock Lake, Yakima County, WA. October 1, 2023. Viewed: 328 times.
| Album: Spruce Grouse
Changed: Nov 15, 2023.
Contains: 12 items.
Viewed: 4013 times.
| Female White-tailed Ptarmigan on the north side of Slate Peak near Hart's Pass, Okanagan County, WA. Note the feet are completely feathered, protecting against the snow in which they are frequently found. July 19, 2003. Viewed: 3034 times.
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White-tailed Ptarmigan chick trying to hide from the camera. Slate Peak, ten feet from its mom. July 19, 2003. Viewed: 3018 times.
| Dusky Grouse at Sun Mountain Lodge in Okanogan County, WA. July 23, 2020. Viewed: 1201 times.
| Juvenile Dusky Grouse at Sun Mountain Lodge in Okanogan County, WA. July 23, 2020. Viewed: 1182 times.
| Male Dusky Grouse at the Hellroaring Creek Trailhead in Yellowstone National Park. September 26, 2020. Viewed: 657 times.
| Male Dusky Grouse displaying at the Hellroaring Creek Trailhead in Yellowstone National Park. September 26, 2020. Viewed: 640 times.
| Female Dusky Grouse at the Hellroaring Creek Trailhead in Yellowstone National Park. September 26, 2020. Viewed: 625 times.
| Album: Sooty Grouse
Changed: Feb 11, 2025.
Contains: 7 items.
Viewed: 3320 times.
| A distant photo of a Sharp-tailed Grouse along Bridgeport Hill Rd., Douglas County, WA. Feb. 12, 2016. Viewed: 2355 times.
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Album: Wild Turkey
Changed: Jul 17, 2023.
Contains: 6 items.
Viewed: 1637 times.
| Album: Grebes
Changed: Jan 28, 2025.
Contains: 54 items.
Viewed: 2078 times.
| American Flamingos at the Port Aransas Nature Preserve at Charlie's Pasture on Mustang Island in Nueces County, Texas. Decmeber 1, 2023. Viewed: 254 times.
| American Flamingo at Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center in Port Aransas, Texas. December 3, 2024. Viewed: 79 times.
| A second shot of American Flamingo at the Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center in Port Aransas, Texas. December 3, 2024. Viewed: 79 times.
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