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Violet-green Swallow at Sweetwater Wetlands in Tucson, Arizona. March 7, 2025. Viewed: 14 times.
| Least Bittern at the Riparian Preserve at Gilbert Water Ranch, Gilbert, Arizona. March 4, 2025. Viewed: 16 times.
| Another shot of the Least Bittern at the Riparian Preserve at Gilbert Water Ranch, Gilbert, Arizona. March 4, 2025. Viewed: 14 times.
| Brown Thrasher at Veterans Oasis Park in Chandler, Arizona. March 4, 2025. Viewed: 11 times.
| Berylline Hummingbird at Santa Rita Lodge in Madera Canyon, Santa Cruz County, Arizona. March 3, 2025. Viewed: 16 times.
| Melanistic Northern Harrier at the Sierra Vista, Arizona, EOP (Environmental Operations Park). March 3, 2025. Viewed: 10 times.
| Another shot of the Melanistic Northern Harrier at the Sierra Vista, Arizona, EOP (Environmental Operations Park). March 3, 2025. Viewed: 9 times.
| Harris's Sparrow at San Pedro House RNCA east of Sierra Vista, Arizona. March 3, 2025. March 3, 2025. Viewed: 10 times.
| Green-tailed Towhee at San Pedro House RNCA east of Sierra Vista, Arizona. March 3, 2025. March 3, 2025.
Viewed: 13 times.
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Bronzed Cowbird at Danny Lopez Park (formerly Christopher Columbus Park) in Tucson, Arizona. The wind accented it's ruff. March 2, 2025. Viewed: 12 times.
| American Avocet in basic (winter) plumage at the Avra Valley WTP, Pima County, Arizona. February 27, 2025. Viewed: 24 times.
| Greater Yellowlegs at the Avra Valley WTP, Pima County, Arizona. February 27, 2025. Viewed: 23 times.
| Hutton's Vireo at Christopher Columbus Park (soon to be Danny Lopez Park) in Tucson, Arizona. February 25, 2025. Viewed: 21 times.
| Sagebrush Sparrow on the east side of the Santa Cruz River and south of El Camino del Cerro in Tucson, Arizona. February 24, 2025. Viewed: 23 times.
| American Woodcock beside Sonoita Creek along Blue Haven Road between the Paton Center for Hummingbirds and the Patagonia-Sonoita Creek Preserve. February 23, 2025. Viewed: 38 times.
| Canyon Wren in Florida Canyon just past the old dam. February 22, 2025. Viewed: 27 times.
| Golden-crowned Sparrow just upstream from the dam in Florida Canyon, Pima County, Arizona. This is a rarity in southeast Arizona. February 22, 2025. Viewed: 28 times.
| Brant at Vacation Isle in San Diego, California. February 18, 2025. Viewed: 29 times.
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Black Oystercatcher on the rocky beach in Cuvier Park, San Diego, California. February 19, 2025. Viewed: 20 times.
| Whimbrel on the rocky beach in Curier Park, San Diego, California. February 19, 2025. Viewed: 28 times.
| Black Turnstone on the rocky beach in Cuvier Park, San Diego, California. February 19, 2025. Viewed: 31 times.
| Red-crowned Parrots flying over Point Loma Community Park in San Diego, California. February 19 2025. Viewed: 29 times.
| Wrentit in Sweetwater Regional Park, Westgate Staging Area, Chula Vista, California. February 20, 2025. Viewed: 30 times.
| Black Skimmer at Vacation Isle in San Diego, California. February 18, 2025. Viewed: 30 times.
| Wrentit at Sweetwater Regional Park (Westgate Staging Area) in Chula Vista, California. February 20, 2025. Viewed: 31 times.
| Allen's Hummingbird at Bayshore Bikeway--10th Street in Imperial Beach, California. February 17, 2025. Viewed: 36 times.
| Short-billed Dowitcher at Bayshore Bikeway--10th Street in Imperial Beach, California. February 17, 2025. Viewed: 37 times.
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Vega Gull (recently split from Herring Gull) at Lower Otay Reservoir marina in San Diego County, California. February 17, 2025.
Viewed: 41 times.
| Lesser Black-backed Gull at Lower Otay Reservoir marina in San Diego County, Arizona. February 17, 2025. Viewed: 30 times.
| Streak-backed Oriole in a pecan tree along Fast Track Road northwest of Red Rock, Pinal County, Arizona. February 12, 2025. Viewed: 42 times.
| Another shot of the Streak-backed Oriole in a pecan tree along Fast Track Road northwest of Red Rock, Pinal County, Arizona. February 12, 2025. Viewed: 39 times.
| Ferruginous Hawk along Fast Track Road in the Santa Cruz Flats area in Pinal County, Arizona. February 10, 2025. Viewed: 49 times.
| Great Horned Owl in a mesquite tree in the natural area on the north side of the Highlands Mobile Home Park in Oro Valley, Arizona. February 9, 2025. Viewed: 53 times.
| Mountain Plover along Kimzey Road south of Willcox, Arizona. February 8, 2025. Viewed: 46 times.
| A second Mountain Plover along Kimzey Road south of Willcox, Arizona. February 8, 2025. Viewed: 54 times.
| Prairie Falcon on the Twin Lakes Golf Course in Willcox, Arizona. February 8, 2025. Viewed: 46 times.
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Western Cattle Egret at Christopher Columbus Park in Tucson, Arizona. February 7, 2025. Viewed: 52 times.
| Cooper's Hawk at El Rio Open Space in Marana, Arizona. February 7, 2025. Viewed: 53 times.
| Common Yellowthroat at Christopher Columbus Park in Tucson, Arizona. February 7, 2025. Viewed: 52 times.
| Hutton's Vireo along the Dutch John Spring Trail in Madera Canyon, Pima County, Arizona. February 6, 2025. Viewed: 46 times.
| Brown Creeper along the Dutch John Spring Trail in Madera Canyon, Pima County, Arizona. February 6, 2025. Viewed: 52 times.
| Reddish Egret, with a Snowy Egret, at Gillespie Dam south of Arlington, Maricopa County, Arizona. February 4, 2025. Viewed: 58 times.
| White Ibis, with a White-faced Ibis, south of Buckeye, Maricopa County, Arizona. February 4, 2025. Viewed: 55 times.
| White Ibis, with White-faced Ibises, south of Buckeye, Maricopa County, Arizona. February 4, 2025. Viewed: 56 times.
| Mexican Free-tailed Bat roosting on the side of a concrete girder supporting the Sunset Road bridge over the Santa Cruz River in Tucson, Arizona. February 2, 2025. Viewed: 50 times.
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Snother shot of the Mexican Free-tailed Bat roosting on the side of a concrete girder supporting the Sunset Road bridge over the Santa Cruz River in Tucson, Arizona. February 2, 2025. Viewed: 60 times.
Yellow-throated Warbler in a tree at N. Mountain Ave. and E. Speedway Blvd. in Tucson, Arizona. January 27, 2025. That is on the University of Arizona Campus in front of the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Building. Viewed: 34 times.
| Another shot of the Yellow-throated Warbler in a tree at N. Mountain Ave. and E. Speedway Blvd. in Tucson, Arizona. January 27, 2025. Viewed: 42 times.
| Black-crowned Night-Heron at the SRP Ponds (Salt River Project Ponds) in Tempe, Arizona. January 25, 2025. Viewed: 55 times.
| Williamson's Sapsucker at Mountain Park Ranch Pool Park, Phoenix, Arizona. January 25, 2025. Viewed: 51 times.
| Gilded Flicker at the SRP Ponds (Salt River Project Ponds) in Tempe, Arizona. January 25, 2025. Viewed: 62 times.
| Gilded Flicker in flight at the SRP Ponds (Salt River Project Ponds) in Tempe, Arizona. January 25, 2025. Viewed: 61 times.
| Rosy-faced Lovebird in Steele Indian School Park, Phoenix, Arizona. January 25, 2025. Viewed: 57 times.
| Swamp Sparrow at the SRP Ponds (Salt River Project Ponds) in Tempe, Arizona. January 25, 2025. Viewed: 61 times.
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Female American Redstart at the Riparian Preserve at Gilbert Water Ranch, in Gilbert, Arizona. January 25, 2025. Viewed: 64 times.
| Long-tailed Ducks at the Salt River Granite Recreation Area northeast of Phoenix, Arizona. January 24, 2025. Viewed: 63 times.
| Another shot of the Long-tailed Ducks at the Salt River Granite Recreation Area northeast of Phoenix, Arizona. January 24, 2025. Viewed: 66 times.
| Common Gallinule at the SRP Ponds (Salt River Project Ponds) in Tempe, Arizona. January 24, 2025. Viewed: 56 times.
| Northern Waterthrush at the SRP Ponds (Salt River Project Ponds) in Tempe, Arizona. January 24, 2025. Viewed: 62 times.
| Another shot of the Northern Waterthrush at the SRP Ponds (Salt River Project Ponds) in Tempe, Arizona. January 24, 2025. Viewed: 61 times.
| Female American Redstart at the Riparian Preserve at Gilbert Water Ranch, Gilbert, Arizona. January 24, 2025. Viewed: 73 times.
| Western Screech-Owl that had jsut poked its head out the hole in a neset box in Fort Lowell Park, Tucson, Arizona. January 23, 2025. Viewed: 64 times.
| Verdin in the picnic area in Cataliina State Park, Oro Valley, Arizona. January 22, 2025. Viewed: 50 times.
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