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Album: Swallowtails
Changed: Feb 23, 2025.
Contains: 13 items.
Viewed: 156 times.
| Checkered White (Pontia protodice) at Tohono Chul Park, Tucson, Arizona. January 27, 2022. Viewed: 556 times.
| Checkered White (Pontia protodice) in the Highlands Manufactured Housing Park in Oro Valley, Arizona. November 13, 2021. Viewed: 362 times.
| Boisduval's Yellow (Eurema boisduvaliana) at the Arizona-Sonoran Desert Museum, Tucson Arizona. January 13, 2022. Viewed: 337 times.
| Mexican Yellow (Eurema mexicana) at the Arizona-Sonoran Desert Museum, Tucson Arizona. January 13, 2022. Viewed: 541 times.
| Mexican Yellow (Eurema mexicana) near the Paton Center for Hummingbirds in Patagonia, Arizona. December 11, 2022. Viewed: 219 times.
| Mexican Yellow (Eurema mexicana) near the Paton Center for Hummingbirds in Patagonia, Arizona. December 11, 2022. Viewed: 383 times.
| Sleepy Orange (Eurema nicippe) in Christopher Columbus Park, Tucson, Arizona. March 2, 2022. Viewed: 327 times.
| Sleepy Orange (Eurema nicippe) along the Santa Cruz River south of Cortano Road, Marana, Arizona. January 4, 2023. Viewed: 217 times.
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Sleepy Orange (Eurema nicippe) at El Rio Open Space Park in Tucson, Arizona. February 12, 2023. Viewed: 196 times.
| Tailed Orange (Eurema proterpia) at the Paton Center for Hummingbirds in Patagonia, Arizona. December 21, 2021. Viewed: 619 times.
| Tailed Orange (Eurema proterpia) along the De Anza Trail near Tubac, Arizona. December 22, 2021. Viewed: 377 times.
| Tailed Orange (Eurema proterpia) in the wash near the Paton Center for Hummingbirds in Patagonia, Arizona. December 11, 2022. Viewed: 368 times.
| Southern Dogface (Colias eurydice) at the Arizona-Sonoran Desert Museum west of Tucson, Arizona. January 13, 2022. Viewed: 348 times.
| A second Southern Dogface (Colias eurydice) at the Arizona-Sonoran Desert Museum west of Tucson, Arizona. January 13, 2022. Viewed: 335 times.
| Southern Dogface (Colias eurydice) along Blue Haven Road in Patagonia, Arizona. December 17, 2023. Viewed: 121 times.
| Cloudless Sulphur (Phoebis sennae) along the De Anza Trail near Tubac, Arizona. December 22, 2021. Viewed: 371 times.
| Large Orange Sulphur (Phoebis agarite) along the Rillito River east of Campbell Road, Tucson, Arizona. January 17, 2022. Viewed: 326 times.
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Dainty Sulphur (Nathalis iole) at the Arizona-Sonoran Desert Museum west of Tucson, Arizona. January 13, 2022. Viewed: 371 times.
| Dainty Sulphur (Nathalis iole) in the wash at Honey Bee Canyon Park in Oro Valley, Arizona. December 8, 2022. Viewed: 235 times.
| Dainty Sulphur (Nathalis iole) at Tohono Chul Park, Tucson, Arizona. January 27, 2022. Viewed: 348 times.
| Echo Azure (Celastrina echo cinerea) in Catalina State Park in Oro Valley, AZ. January 14, 2019. Viewed: 694 times.
| Echo Azure (Celastrina echo cinerea) on Redington Pass northeast of Tucson, Arizona. January 9, 2023. Viewed: 216 times.
| American Snout (Libytheana carinenta) on the west side of The Highlands Mobile Home Park in Oro Valley, Arizona. January 4, 2022. Viewed: 573 times.
| American Snout (Libytheana carinenta) in The Highlands Mobile Home Park in Oro Valley, Arizona. January 4, 2022. Viewed: 338 times.
| American Snout (Libytheana carinenta) at Catalina State Park in Oro Valley, AZ. January 11, 2019. Viewed: 706 times.
| American Snout (Libytheana carinenta) in the natural area west of The Highlands Mobile Home Park in Oro Valley, Arizona. November 18, 2021. Viewed: 363 times.
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Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae) at the Arizona-Sonoran Desert Museum west of Tucson, Arizona. January 13, 2022. Viewed: 580 times.
| Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae) at the Arizona-Sonoran Desert Museum west of Tucson, Arizona. January 13, 2022. Viewed: 582 times.
| Underside of Tiny Checkerspot (Dymasia dymas chara) in California Gulch, Santa Cruz County, Arizona. August 6, 2024. Viewed: 76 times.
| Texan Crescent (Anthanassa texana) at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Musuem west of Tucson, Arizona. June 22, 2010. Viewed: 499 times.
| Texan Crescent (Anthanassa texana) in Catalina State Park, Oro Valley, AZ. February 7, 2015. Viewed: 1059 times.
| Texan Crescent (Anthanassa texana) along the De Anza Trail south of Tubac, AZ. February 24, 2020. Viewed: 584 times.
| Texan Crescent (Anthanassa texana) along the De Anza near Tubac, Arizona. December 22, 2021. Viewed: 606 times.
| Texan Crescent (Anthanassa texana) along the Santa Cruz River near W. Twin Peaks Road, Marana, Arizona. March 1, 2022. Viewed: 324 times.
| Texan Crescent (Anthanassa texana) along the Santa Cruz River near W. Twin Peaks Road, Marana, Arizona. March 1, 2022. Viewed: 342 times.
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Texan Crescent (Anthanassa texana) along the De Anza Trail at Santa Gertrudis Lane south of Tubac, Santa Cruz County, Arizona. March 1, 2023. Viewed: 330 times.
| Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa) along the Santa Cruz River north of Trico Road in Marana, Arizona. January 21, 2022. Viewed: 576 times.
| Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa) at Sweetwater Wetlands, Tucson, Arizona. February 25, 2022. Viewed: 552 times.
| Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa) on an Arizona syscamore in Madera Canyon, Pima County, Arizona. February 3, 2025. Viewed: 27 times.
| Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) in the yard of our vacation rental in the Oro Valley Country Club, Oro Valley, AZ. Jan. 25, 2018. Viewed: 1321 times.
| Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) in the wash at Honey Bee Canyon Park in Oro Valley, Arizona. December 8, 2022. Viewed: 393 times.
| Underside of a West Coast Lady (Vanessa annabella) at Christopher Columbus Park, Tucson, Arizona. March 19, 2024. Viewed: 170 times.
| Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia) in the wash at Honey Bee Canyon Park in Oro Valley, Arizona. December 8, 2022. Viewed: 391 times.
| Tropical Buckeye (Junonia nigrosuffusa) in Catalina State Park in OroValley, Arizona. November 17, 2022. Viewed: 322 times.
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Tropical Buckeye (Junonia nigrosuffusa) in the Rillito River (wash) east of Campbell Ave., Tucson, Arizona. December 6, 2021. Viewed: 382 times.
| Tropical Buckeye (Junonia genoveva nigrosuffusa) in the Rillito River (wash) east of Campbell Ave., Tucson, Arizona. December 6, 2021. Viewed: 387 times.
| Male white-banded form of Bordered Patch (Chlosyne lacinia crocale) in Garden Canyon on Fort Huachuca Army base in Sierra Vista, Cochise County, Arizona. Viewed: 82 times.
| Red-spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis) in the Ramsey Canyon Preserve south of Sierra Vista, Arizona. August 18, 2024. Viewed: 89 times.
| Arizona Sister (Adelpha eulalia) along the Carrie Nation Trail, Madera Canyon, Santa Cruz Co, Arizona. June 18, 2010. Viewed: 304 times.
| Arizona Sister (Adelpha eulalia) along the Carrie Nation Trail, Madera Canyon, Santa Cruz Co, Arizona. June 18, 2010. Viewed: 306 times.
| Arizona Sister (Adelpha eulalia) along Mt. Bigelow Road on Mt. Lemmon, Pima County, Arizona. August 15, 2024. Viewed: 92 times.
| Arizona Sister (Adelpha eulalia) at the Ramsey Canyon Preserve south of Sierra Vista, Arizona. August 16, 2024. Viewed: 87 times.
| Empress Leilia (Asterocampa leilia) at Catalina State Park, Oro Valley, Arizona. November 20, 2021. Viewed: 588 times.
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Empress Leilia (Asterocampa leilia) in the natural area west of The Highlands Mobile Home Park in Oro Valley, Arizona. November 13, 2021. Viewed: 387 times.
| Empress Leilia (Asterocampa leilia) at Sweetwater Wetlands, Tucson, Arizona. November 18, 2022. Viewed: 383 times.
| Empress Leilia (Asterocampa leilia) in the wash at Honey Bee Canyon Park in Oro Valley, Arizona. December 8, 2022. Viewed: 371 times.
| Empress Leilia (Asterocampa leilia) near the Cactus Forest South Trail in Saguaro National Park East, Tucson, Arizona. February 24, 2024. Viewed: 162 times.
| Empress Leilia (Asterocampa leilia) in the wash in Honey Bee Canyon Park, Oro Valley, Arizona. February 11, 2025. Viewed: 22 times.
| Underside of the Empress Leilia (Asterocampa leilia) in the wash in Honey Bee Canyon Park, Oro Valley, Arizona. February 11, 2025. Viewed: 21 times.
| Monarch (Danaus plexippus) at Tohono Chul Park in Oro Valley, AZ. Jan. 28, 2018. Viewed: 1278 times.
| Monarch (Danaus plexippus) at the Tucson Botanical Gardens in Tucson, Arizona. January 19, 2019. Viewed: 532 times.
| Monarch (Danaus plexippus) just north of Silverbell Lake in Christopher Columbus Park in Tucson, Arizona. February 2, 2022. Viewed: 570 times.
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Monarch (Danaus plexippus) along the Santa Cruz River at Silverbell Park in Marana, Arizona. December 20, 2023. Viewed: 184 times.
| Queen (Danaus gilippus) at Tohono Chul Park in Oro Valley, AZ. Jan. 28, 2018. Viewed: 773 times.
| Queen (Danaus gilippus) in the Tucson Botanical Gardens in Tucson, AZ. February 19, 2019. Viewed: 1087 times.
| Queen (Danaus gilippus) at the Desert Botanical Museum in Phoenix, AZ. February 26, 2020. Viewed: 573 times.
| Queen (Danaus eresimus) at the Arizona-Sonoran Desert Museum west of Tucson, Arizona. January 13, 2022. Viewed: 586 times.
| Queen (Danaus gilippus) at the Arizona-Sonoran Desert Museum west of Tucson, Arizona. January 13, 2022. Viewed: 372 times.
| Queen (Danaus gilippus) at Tohono Chul Park in Tucson, Arizona. February 14, 2022. Viewed: 594 times.
| Queen (Danaus gilippus) at the Boyce Thompson Arboretum in Superior, Arizona. December 20, 2022. Viewed: 371 times.
| Queen (Danaus gilippus) at Sweetwater Wetlands, Tucson, Arizona. February 29, 2024. Viewed: 154 times.
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Dull Firetip (Apyrrothrix stallingsi arizonae) along the upper trails in Madera Canyon, Santa Cruz County, Arizona. August 23, 2024. Viewed: 94 times.
| Underside of Dull Firetip (Apyrrothrix stallingsi arizonae) along the upper trails in Madera Canyon, Santa Cruz County, Arizona. August 23, 2024. Viewed: 77 times.
| Desert Checkered-Skipper (Burnsius philetas) at the Sweetwater Wetlands, Tucson, Arizona. November 18, 2022. Viewed: 246 times.
| Funereal Duskywing (Erynnis funeralis)at the Arizona-Sonoran Desert Museum west of Tucson, Arizona. January 13, 2022. Viewed: 403 times.
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