Bank Swallow
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 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Passerines  Album: Swallows   

Bank Swallow above Lateral C near the Toppenish NWR southwest of Toppenish, WA. May 12, 2012.
Viewed: 1301 times.
Bank Swallow along Marion Drain Road east of SR 97 south of Toppenish, WA. June 11, 2014.
Viewed: 1208 times.
Bank Swallow on the hill above the Yakima River along Emerald Road near Granger, WA. April 27, 2018.
Viewed: 719 times.
Bank Swallow at the Sunnyside Wildlife Area northwest of Mabton, WA. May 7, 2021.
Viewed: 337 times.
Bank Swallow at the Grandview, WA, Wastewater Treatment Plant. August 25, 2021.
Viewed: 344 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Passerines  Album: Swallows   
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