 9 items in this album  [slideshow] [login] 
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Mammals, Amphibians and Reptiles   

River Otter taking a sand bath at the Oyehut Wildlife Area, Ocean Shores, WA. Aug. 31, 2013. Nikon coolpix P510.
Viewed: 1875 times.
#2 of River Otter taking a sand bath at the Oyehut Wildlife Area, Ocean Shores, WA. Aug. 31, 2013. Nikon coolpix P510
Viewed: 1746 times.
#3 of River Otter taking a sand bath at the Oyehut Wildlife Area, Ocean Shores, WA. Aug. 31, 2013. Nikon coolpix P510
Viewed: 1773 times.
River otters at Wenas Lake northwest of Selah, WA. Oct. 2, 2011.
Viewed: 1366 times.
River otter at Wenas Lake northwest of Selah, WA. Oct. 2, 2011.
Viewed: 1329 times.
River Otter in the La Push, WA marina. Dec. 25, 2017.
Viewed: 1236 times.
Sea Otter in Moss Landing Harbor, CA. Sept. 14, 2018.
Viewed: 1071 times.
Sea Otter in Moss Landing Harbor, CA. Sept. 14, 2018.
Viewed: 1054 times.
Sea Otters resting at Moss Landing Harbor, CA. Sept. 14, 2018.
Viewed: 1111 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Mammals, Amphibians and Reptiles   
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