Yellow-bellied X Red-naped Sapsucker hybrid at the White Pass Campground, Yakima County, WA. The broadly barred back with wide white streaks and indistinct black stripe down the center suggest a hybrid. June 7, 2018. Viewed: 804 times.
| Another shot of the Yellow-bellied X Red-naped Sapsucker hybrid at the White Pass Campground, Yakima County, WA. The minimal amount of a red on nape may have been caused by wear on a RNSA, though a small percentage of YBSA do show some red on the nape. June 7, 2018. Viewed: 900 times.
| Another shot of the Yellow-bellied X Red-naped Sapsucker. June 7, 2018. Viewed: 826 times.
| The hybrid Yellow-bellied X Red-naped Sapsucker appeared to be paired with a male Red-breasted Sapsucker at the White Pass Campground, Yakima County, WA. June 7, 2018 Viewed: 307 times.
| Hybrid Yellow-bellied X Red-naped Sapsucker at Sweetwater Wetlands, Tucson, Arizona. January 28, 2024.It has more extensive black and white mottling on it's back, a red patch on the nape, and the black border around the red throat is thinner than it would be on a pure Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. Plus, an eBird reviewer said it is a hybrid. Viewed: 162 times.