Gray Flycatcher perched along Maloy Road in the Wenas area of Yakima County, WA. May 27, 2006. Viewed: 1783 times.
| Gray Flycatcher in the Wenas Campground north of Selah, WA. May 26, 2014. Digiscoped. Viewed: 1177 times.
| Gray Flycatcher in the Wenas Campground, Yakima County, WA. May 8, 2016. Viewed: 1074 times.
| Gray Flycatcher at Catalina State Park in Oro Valley, AZ. Feb. 21, 2018. Viewed: 776 times.
| Gray Flycatcher at Catalina State Park, Oro Valley, AZ. February 23, 2018. Viewed: 636 times.
| Another shot of the Gray Flycatcher at Catalina State Park in Oro Valley, AZ. Feb. 23, 2018. Viewed: 598 times.
Gray Flycatcher on Bethel Ridge, Yakima County, WA. July 23, 2022. Viewed: 287 times.
| Another shot of the Gray Flycatcher on Bethel Ridge, Yakima County, WA. July 23, 2022. Viewed: 313 times.
| Gray Flycatcher in Little Pend Oreille NWR, Stevens County, WA. July 2, 2023. Viewed: 185 times.
| Gray Flycatcher at Catalina State Park, Oro Valley, Arizona. January 13, 2024. Viewed: 146 times.
| Gray Flycatcher in Ron Morriss Park, Tubac, Arizona. March 16, 2024. Viewed: 131 times.