Common Raven
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 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Passerines  Album: Corvids   

Common Raven at the top of First Burroughs Mountain in the Sunrise area of Mt. Rainier National Park, WA. August 15, 2009.
Viewed: 1352 times.
Common Raven at the headquarters of the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument near Lukeville, AZ. June 21, 2010.
Viewed: 460 times.
Common Raven soaring over the USDA Moxee Field Station east of Moxee, WA. May 18, 2013.
Viewed: 1135 times.
Common Raven at Bodega Head near Bodega Bay, CA. March 3, 2018.
Viewed: 582 times.
Common Raven at Bodega Head near Bodega Bay, CA, putting its all into it croaking calls. March 3, 2018.
Viewed: 597 times.
Common Raven soaring over the Vistoso Trails Nature Preserve in Oro Valley, Arizona. February 28, 2023.
Viewed: 171 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Passerines  Album: Corvids   
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