Mountain Chickadee at its nest along Maloy Road in the Wenas, Yakima County, WA. May 31, 2004. Viewed: 2072 times.
| Delivering the goods to the hungry kids. May 31, 2004. Viewed: 2012 times.
| I'm hungry. What's taking so long? May 31, 2004. Viewed: 2118 times.
| Mountain Chickadee near Ellensburg Pass along the North Wenas Road north of Selah, WA. Aug. 29, 2010. Panasonic DMC-FZ28. Viewed: 1115 times.
| Mountain Chickadee along SR 12 west of the Oak Creek Elk Feeding Station. April 30, 2011. Panasonic DMC-FZ28. Viewed: 1275 times.
| Mountain Chickadee on Bethel Ridge, Yakima County, WA. March 26, 2021. Viewed: 391 times.
A second Mountain Chickadee on the guidewire of a power pole on Bethel Ridge, Yakima County, WA. March 26, 2021. Viewed: 402 times.
| Mountain Chickadee along Inspiration Road on Mt. Lemmon, Pima County, Arizona. December 18, 2023. Viewed: 120 times.
| Mountain Chickadee on Bethel Ridge, Yakima County, Washington. April 28, 2024.
Viewed: 86 times.
| Mountain Chickadee with nesting material in its beak on Bethel Ridge, Yakima County, Washington. April 28, 2024. Viewed: 81 times.
| Black-capped Chickadee in the north end riparian area of the Nile Valley, Yakima County, Washington. July 9, 2024. Viewed: 90 times.
| Mountain Chickadee along Forest Road 21 (Spring Creek Road) in Union County, Oregon, July 29, 2024.
Viewed: 65 times.