 9 items in this album  [slideshow] [login] 
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Waterfowl  Album: Dabbling Ducks   

Gadwall at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon. May 30, 2009.
Viewed: 373 times.
Gadwall pair at Marymoor Park in Redmond, WA. Feb. 16, 2011. Panasonic DMC-FZ28.
Viewed: 1213 times.
Gadwall at Miller/Knox Regional Shoreline in Richmond, CA. Feb. 13, 2015. Nikon Coolpix P600.
Viewed: 1085 times.
Gadwall at the Grandview Sewage Treatment Plant. May 15, 2015. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 941 times.
Gadwall at the Grandview Sewage Treatment Plant, Grandview, WA. May 13, 2016.
Viewed: 934 times.
Male Gadwall at Juanita Beach Park in Kirkland, WA. Oct. 6, 2020.
Viewed: 387 times.
Female Gadwall at Juanita Beach Park in Kirkland, WA. Oct. 6, 2020.
Viewed: 392 times.
Gadwall at Willcox Lake in Willcox, Arizona. March 11, 2023.
Viewed: 174 times.
Male Gadwalls at Sweetwater Wetlands in Tucson, Arizona. November 15, 2023.
Viewed: 137 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Waterfowl  Album: Dabbling Ducks   
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