Black-bellied Whistling-Duck at Polliwog Pond east of Corpus Christi, Texas. Sept. 25, 2006. Digiscoped. Viewed: 3307 times.
| Black-bellied Whisting-Ducks with one juvenile at Polliwog Pond east of Corpus Christi, Texas. Sept. 25, 2006. Digiscoped. Viewed: 2966 times.
| Black-bellied Whistling Ducks in Brackenridge Park, San Antonio, TX. Nov. 4, 2016. Viewed: 1007 times.
| Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks along the Lamar Road Loop north of Goose Island State Park, TX. February 5, 2020. Viewed: 515 times.
| Black-bellied Whistling Duck at Devine Lake Park, Leander, Texas. November 25, 2022. Viewed: 225 times.
| Black-bellied Whistling Ducks flying over Devine Lake in Devine Lake Park, Leander, Texas. November 25, 2022. Viewed: 213 times.
Black-bellied Whistling Duck at Estero Llano Grande State Park in Hidalgo County, Texas. December 1, 2022. Viewed: 209 times.
| Black-bellied Whistling Duck along the Lake Creek Trail West in Austin, Texas. March 19, 2023. Viewed: 188 times.
| Black-bellied Whistling-Duck on the Cedar Park Medical Center retention pond in Cedar Park, Texas. November 26, 2023.
Viewed: 130 times.
| Black-bellied Whistling-Duck at the Amado WTP, Amado, Pima County, Arizona. March 28, 2024. Viewed: 117 times.