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California Scrub-Jay in the backyard of a house on 26th Avenue in Yakima, WA. May 15, 2005. Panasonic DMC-FZ20. Viewed: 1781 times.
| There are a pair California Scrub-Jays in this neighborhood, showing signs of nesting. If they do, it will be the first nesting pair in Yakima County. May 15, 2005. Panasonic DMC-FZ20. Viewed: 1763 times.
| Juvenile California Scrub-Jay at Bodega Head, CA. July 24, 2005. Viewed: 2435 times.
| California Scrub-Jay at Fort Simcoe west of White Swan, Yakima County, WA. Oct. 8, 2010. Digiscoped. Viewed: 1252 times.
| California Scrub-Jay in a residential area on the north side of Yakima, WA. Scrub-jays have expanded their territory in Yakima County in recent years and are fairly common in some neighborhoods. Jan. 27, 2012. Viewed: 1244 times.
| California Scdrub-Jay taking off from an evergreen tree on Scenic Drive in Yakima, WA. Jan. 15, 2013. Viewed: 1175 times.
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California Scrub-Jay with an acorn from an oak tree at 19th Ave. and MacLaren Ave. in Yakima, WA. Oct. 26, 2014. Viewed: 1002 times.
| California Scrub-Jay on the power pole in our backyard southwest of the Yakima, WA, airport. This was a nice birthday present - a new species on my yard list! Aug. 30, 2016. Viewed: 849 times.
| California Scrub-Jay at Spring Creek Park in Santa Rosa, CA. March 4, 2017. Viewed: 818 times.
| California Scrub-Jay in the birdbath near our kitchen window. Unfortunately, most of the birdbath was in the shade. This is only the second CASJ I have seen in our yard southwest of the Yakima, WA airport. Sept. 12, 2017 Viewed: 783 times.
| California Scrub-Jay beside our driveway southwest of the Yakima, WA airport. Sept. 16, 2017. Viewed: 839 times.
| California Scrub-Jay sitting under the hazelhut trees in our yard southwest of the Yakima, WA airport. It looks fat because it, and two other scrub-jays, have been stealing our hazelnuts. They have hauled off a large percentage of our crop. September 17, 2021. Viewed: 368 times.
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California Scrub-Jay in the Yakima Area Arboretum, Yakima, Washington. Octover 13, 2024. Viewed: 73 times.