Male Black-backed Woodpecker at a burn along the Clover Springs Road (Forest Road 1600) west of the Nile area off Highway 410 west of Naches, Yakima County, WA. June 16, 2003. Viewed: 2750 times.
| Black-backed Woodpecker in the recent burn on Bethel Ridge, north of Rimrock Lake, Yakima County, WA. Oct. 24, 2009. Viewed: 1847 times.
| Black-backed Woodpecker #2, just after a hard peck on the tree. Note the bark debris flying around its head. Oct. 24, 2009. Viewed: 1838 times.
| Burned trees on Sedge Ridge showing the flaking that indicates that woodpeckers, especially American Three-toed and Black-backed, have been working on the trees searching for grubs. Viewed: 3676 times.
| Black-backed Woodpecker near FR 1304 on Bethel Ridge, Yakima County, WA. March 21, 2020. Viewed: 661 times.
| Black-backed Woodpecker along SR 410 near Morris Creek, Yakima County, WA. March 25, 2020. Viewed: 642 times.
Black-backed Woodpecker near the Woodpecker Aspen Grove in the Middle Fork of the Ahtanum area, Yakima County, WA. May 30, 2022. Viewed: 344 times.
| Black-backed Woodpecker along North Wenas Road in the Wenas area, Yakima County, WA. May 25, 2023. Viewed: 203 times.
| Black-backed Woodpecker along North Wenas Road, Yakima County, Washington. September 15, 2024. Viewed: 87 times.