Northern Hawk Owl
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 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Owls    

Northern Hawk Owl found along Hwy 17 southeast of Bridgeport, WA. Jan. 24, 2009. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2768 times.
Northern Hawk Owl #2. Jan. 24, 2009. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2684 times.
Northern Hawk Owl #3. Jan. 24, 2009. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2596 times.
Northern Hawl Owl #4. Jan. 24, 2009. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2638 times.
Northern Hawl Owl #5. Jan. 24, 2009. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2718 times.
Northern Hawk Owl along Union Valley Road north of Chelan, WA. January 29, 2012. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2353 times.
When a Common Raven flew over, the Northern Hawk Owl flattened its feathers, evidently trying to hide from the raven. January 29, 2012. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2340 times.
Northern Hawk Owl #3. January 29, 2012. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2381 times.
Northern Hawk Owl #4. January 29, 2012. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2394 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Owls    
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