Parasitic Jaeger at Rimrock Lake, Yakima County, WA. This is only the second record for Yakima County and the first Parasitic Jaeger found away from the Columbia River in Yakima County. Sept. 28, 2013. Digiscoped. Viewed: 2263 times.
| Parasitic Jaeger at Rimrock Lake, Yakima County, WA, shown close to a California Gull for a nice size comparison. Sept 28, 2013. Digiscoped. Viewed: 2317 times.
| Parasitic Jaeger at Rimrock Lake, Yakima County, WA, taking flight and showing its tail streamer nicely. Sept. 28. 2013. Digiscoped. Viewed: 2171 times.
| Pomarine Jaeger west of Westport, WA, on a Westport Seabirds boat trip. Sept. 8, 2012. Viewed: 360 times.
| Pomarine Jaeger flying over Monterey Bay, CA, seen from a Shearwaters Journey pelagic boat trip. September 16, 2018. Viewed: 1026 times.
| Pomarine Jaeger seen on the Island Packers return trip from Santa Cruz Island in Channel Island Nation Park to Ventura, California. August 29, 2024. Viewed: 114 times.