Greater Scaup
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 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Waterfowl  Album: Diving Ducks   

Greater Scaup near the Priest Rapids Dam. May 19, 2006. Panasonic DMC-FZ20.
Viewed: 1910 times.
Male Greater Scaup in the marina at Desert Aire, WA. Feb. 28, 2009. Panasonic DMC-FZ28.
Viewed: 1028 times.
Male Greater Scaup on the Costco pond in Union Gap, WA. Apparent peaked head caused by having just come up from a dive. March 4, 2014. Nikon Coolpix P510.
Viewed: 1126 times.
Female Greater Scaup in the marina at Desert Aire, WA. Feb. 28, 2009. Panasonic DMC-FZ28.
Viewed: 1065 times.
Female Greater Scaup (left) with a female Lesser Scaup (right) and a male Lesser Scaup (back) on the Costco pond, Union Gap, WA. Jan. 31, 2014. Nikon Coolpix P510.
Viewed: 1123 times.
Female Greater Scaup on the Costco pond, Union Gap, WA. Jan. 31, 2014. Nikon Coolpix P510.
Viewed: 1125 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Waterfowl  Album: Diving Ducks   
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