Greater White-fronted Goose
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 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Waterfowl  Album: Geese and Swans   

Greater White-fronted Goose, immature on the left and adult on the right, on the Ocean Shores Golf Course. Nov. 24, 2006. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 1803 times.
Greater White-fronted Geese in a flooded pasture at Island Road and Marion Drain Road, Yakima County, WA. Digiscoped. Oct. 4, 2008.
Viewed: 1579 times.
All four of the group of Greater White-fronted Geese. Digiscoped. Oct. 4, 2008.
Viewed: 1476 times.
Greater White-fronted Goose at the Yakima Area Arboretum. Nov. 1, 2008. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 1508 times.
Two Greater White-fronted Geese at Randall Park in Yakima, WA. These make the fourth species of goose to be found at Randall Park in a week. Oct. 14, 2010. .
Viewed: 1235 times.
Greater White-fronted Goose #1 at Randall Park, Yakima, WA. Oct. 14, 2010.
Viewed: 1259 times.
Immature Greater White-fronted Goose at the Yakima Area Arboretum. Dec. 10, 2011.
Viewed: 1214 times.
Immature Greater White-fronted Goose at the Terrace Heights Cemetery in Yakima, WA. Jan. 15, 2013.
Viewed: 1106 times.
Two of the five Greater White-fronted Geese at the Terrace Heights Cemetery, Yakima, WA. March 25, 2013.
Viewed: 1143 times.
Greater White-fronted Geese taking off at the Terrace Heights Cemetery in Yakima, WA. Jan. 15, 2013.
Viewed: 1123 times.
Greater White-fronted Goose at the Yakima Area Arboretum. March 29, 2014.
Viewed: 1053 times.
Greater White-fronted Geese at the Terrance Heights Memorial Park, Yakima, WA. March 23, 2017.
Viewed: 890 times.
Two Greater White-fronted Geese at River Park in Red Bluff, CA. Jan. 6, 2018.
Viewed: 706 times.
Immature Greater White-fronted Goose in a flock of Canada Geese at the Terrace Heights Memorial Park in Yakima, WA. Nov. 17. 2019.
Viewed: 582 times.
Greater White-fronted Goose in the Voyager Rv Park, Tucson, Arizona. February 16, 2022.
Viewed: 281 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Waterfowl  Album: Geese and Swans   
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