 16 items in this album  [slideshow] [login] 
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Passerines  Album: Brambling, Evening and Pine Grosbeaks, Redpoll, Crossbills, Finches   

Female Red Crossbill at the West Hills Cemetery, Yakima, WA. Dec. 6, 2012.
Viewed: 368 times.
Male Red Crossbill at the West Hills Cemetery, Yakima, WA. Dec. 6, 2012.
Viewed: 361 times.
Male Red Crossbill at the West Hills CemeteRed Crossbillry, Yakima, WA. Dec. 6, 2012.
Viewed: 368 times.
Male Red Crossbill picking seeds out of spruce cones at the West Hills Cemetery, Yakima, WA. Dec. 6, 2012.
Viewed: 1183 times.
Female Red Crossbill picking seeds out of spruce cones at the West Hills Cemetery, Yakima, WA. Dec. 6, 2012.
Viewed: 1194 times.
Red Crossbills on Bethel Ridge, Yakima County, WA. April 23, 2022.
Viewed: 310 times.
Red Crossbill in the Bar-B-Q Flats area of the Wenas, Yakima County, WA. April 24, 2022.
Viewed: 319 times.
Red Crossbills, immatures on left, adult female on right, at Cash Prairie on Bethel Ridge, Yakima County, WA. June 25, 2023.
Viewed: 185 times.
Red Crossbill at the top of a tall ponderosa pine tree near the Palisades Visitor Center on Mt. Lemmon, Pima County, Arizona. February 5, 2024.
Viewed: 154 times.
Red Crossbill along Forest Road 21 (Spring Creek Road) in Union County, Oregon, July 29, 2024.
Viewed: 79 times.
A second Red Crossbill along Forest Road 21 (Spring Creek Road) in Union County, Oregon, July 29, 2024.
Viewed: 46 times.
Male White-winged Crossbill in the Othello, WA, cemetery. Feb. 28, 2009.
Viewed: 1319 times.
Female White-winged Crossbill in the Othello, WA, cemetery. Feb. 28, 2009. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 1335 times.
White-winged Crossbill #3. Feb. 28, 2009. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 1244 times.
White-winged Crossbill #4. Feb. 28, 2009. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 1335 times.
White-winged Crossbill #5. Picking seeds out of a spruce cone. Feb. 28, 2009. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 1432 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Passerines  Album: Brambling, Evening and Pine Grosbeaks, Redpoll, Crossbills, Finches   
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