White-faced Ibis
 18 items in this album  [slideshow] [login] 
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Loons, Seabirds, Cormorants, Pelicans, Herons, Egrets, etc.  Album: Herons, Egrets, Bitterns, Ibises   

White-faced Ibis at Malheur NWR south of Burns, OR. Digiscoped. May 30, 2009.
Viewed: 533 times.
White-faced Ibis #2 at Malheur NWR south of Burns, OR. Digiscoped. May 30, 2009.
Viewed: 542 times.
White-faced Ibis #3 at Malheur NWR south of Burns, OR. May 30, 2009. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 542 times.
White-faced Ibis #4 at Malheur NWR south of Burns, OR. May 30, 2009. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 499 times.
White-faced Ibis #5 at Malheur NWR south of Burns, OR. May 30, 2009. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 539 times.
White-faced Ibis at the Sacramento NWR south of Willows, CA. Jan. 7, 2017.
Viewed: 1363 times.
White-faced Ibis in the Santa Cruz River at Ina Road, Tucson, Arizona. December 4, 2021.
Viewed: 586 times.
Green Heron and White-faced Ibis in the Santa Cruz River at Ina Road, Tucson, Arizona. December 4, 2021.
Viewed: 575 times.
White-faced Ibis at Balmorhea Lake in Reeves County, Texas. March 21, 2023.
Viewed: 349 times.
A second White-faced Ibis at Balmorhea Lake in Reeves County, Texas. March 21, 2023.
Viewed: 369 times.
First winter White-faced Ibis at the Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve in Henderson, Nevada. November 11, 2023.
Viewed: 246 times.
First winter White-faced Ibis sunning its wings at the Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve in Henderson, Nevada. November 11, 2023.
Viewed: 251 times.
White-faced Ibis and Snowy Egret at the Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve in Henderson, Nevada. November 11, 2023.
Viewed: 241 times.
White-faced Ibis flying over Ron Morriss Park south of Tubac, Arizona. Seen during the Tubac Nature Center Hawk Watch. March 16, 2024.
Viewed: 197 times.
White-faced Ibis, one of thirty, in an alfalfa field near the intersection of Marana Road and Luckett Road near Marana, Arizona. March 28, 2024.
Viewed: 181 times.
White-faced Ibis at the Smoky Hills Audubon Sanctuary near Saliina, Kansas. April 14, 2024.
Viewed: 178 times.
White-faced Ibis flying over the Bear River MBA, Box Elder County, Utah.
Viewed: 180 times.
White-faced Ibis flying over the Santa Ana River between Lakeview Ave. and Imperial Highway in Orange County, California. August 28, 2924.
Viewed: 107 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Loons, Seabirds, Cormorants, Pelicans, Herons, Egrets, etc.  Album: Herons, Egrets, Bitterns, Ibises   
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