Spruce Grouse
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 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Chachalaca, Quail, Grouse, Pheasant, Grebes and Flamingos   

Female Spruce Grouse on White's Ridge in the north fork of the Ahtanum, Yakima County, WA. October 15, 2004.
Viewed: 3750 times.
Male Spruce Grouse on Whites's Ridge in the Ahtanum area, Yakima County, WA. October 15, 2005.
Viewed: 3426 times.
Another of the male Spruce Grouse on Whitee's Ridge in the Ahtanum area, Yakima County, WA. October 15, 2005.
Viewed: 840 times.
And another shot of the male Spruce Grouse on White's Ridge, Yakima County, WA. October 15, 2005.
Viewed: 748 times.
Female Spruce Grouse on White's Ridge in the Ahtanum area, Yakima County, WA. October 15, 2005.
Viewed: 3252 times.
Another of the female Spruce Grouse. October 15, 2005.
Viewed: 873 times.
Male and female Spruce Grouse on White's Ridge, Yakima County, WA. October 15, 2005.
Viewed: 727 times.
The first Spruce Grouse, an adult male, we saw on Kerry Turley's Yakima Valley Audubon field trip to Conrad Meadows, Yakima County, WA. September 25, 2021.
Viewed: 766 times.
The second Spruce Grouse, also an adult male, we saw on Kerry Turley's Yakima Valley Audubon field trip to Conrad Meadows, Yakima County, WA. September 25, 2021.
Viewed: 724 times.
Another shot of the second Spruce Grouse we saw on Kerry Turley's Yakima Valley Audubon field trip to Conrad Meadows, Yakima County, WA. September 25, 2021.
Viewed: 791 times.
The third Spruce Grouse, an immature male, we saw on Kerry Turley's Yakima Valley Audubon field trip to Conrad Meadows, Yakima County, WA. September 25, 2021.
Viewed: 765 times.
Male Spruce Grouse in the middle of FR 1000 (the South Tieton Road) south of Rimrock Lake, Yakima County, WA. This spot was about two miles from Conrad Meadows. It seems to be an odd spot for a Spruce Grouse. September 23, 2023.
Viewed: 346 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Chachalaca, Quail, Grouse, Pheasant, Grebes and Flamingos   
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