Ring-necked Pheasant
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 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Chachalaca, Quail, Grouse, Pheasant, Grebes and Flamingos   

Ring-necked Pheasant in field along Thorp Road southeast of Yakima, WA. March 2002.
Viewed: 2530 times.
Female Ring-necked Pheasant in the weed patch in my backyard at the south end of 47th Avenue, Yakima, WA. January 2003.
Viewed: 2497 times.
Rooster Ring-necked Pheasant in the pasture south of our house. The late afternoon sun really lights him up. April 16, 2008. Digiscoped out our office window.
Viewed: 2927 times.
Ring-necked Pheasant #2. April 16, 2008. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2857 times.
Rooster Ring-necked Pheasant in the pasture south of our house. May 1, 2008. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2781 times.
Hen Ring-necked Pheasant at the Colusa NWR near Colusa, CA. June 16, 2012.
Viewed: 2346 times.
Ring-necked Pheasant hiding behind the daffodils in our front yard southwest of the Yakima, WA, airport. March 18, 2015.
Viewed: 1973 times.
Ring-necked Pheasant making its escape to the pasture next to our yard southwest of the Yakima, WA, airport. March 18, 2015.
Viewed: 1981 times.
Ring-necked Pheasant on a snowy afternoon near our feeders in our yard southwest of the Yakima, WA, airport. Dec. 21, 2015.
Viewed: 1901 times.
Another shot of the Ring-necked Pheasant near our feeders in our yard southwest of the Yakima, WA, airport. Dec. 21, 2015.
Viewed: 1898 times.
Rooster Ring-necked Pheasant in the pasture beside our yard southwest of the Yakima, WA, airport. Feb. 10, 2016.
Viewed: 1845 times.
Ring-necked Pheasant skulking through the grass along Marion Drain Rd. southwest of Toppenish, WA. April 11, 2018.
Viewed: 1369 times.
Ring-necked Pheasant in our yard southwest of the Yakima, WA airport. Someone from the SOZO Sports Complex, which owns the property south of our yard, dug up a nice stand of native willows which was the only good habitat in the entire field. That will make it more difficult for this pheasant to survive. July 3, 2021.
Viewed: 808 times.
Ring-necked Pheasant in my driveway on S. 47th Ave., southwest of the Yakima, WA, airport. Its possible the short tail feathers just haven't grown out yet. October 26, 2023.
Viewed: 323 times.
Ring-necked Pheasant on Lateral C southwest of Toppenish, Washington. November 1, 2024.
Viewed: 104 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Chachalaca, Quail, Grouse, Pheasant, Grebes and Flamingos   
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