Sooty Grouse in a tree on Sedge Ridge in the Ahtanum, Yakima County, WA. May 29, 2004. Viewed: 3635 times.
| Female Sooty Grouse in a pine tree along the Umptanum Road near Ellesburg Pass, Kittitas County, WA. June 20, 2004. Viewed: 3587 times.
| Juvenile Sooty Grouse that flew into the neighboring tree from its mom. June 20, 2004. Viewed: 3421 times.
| Sooty Grouse displaying in a ponderosa pine along North Wenas Road, Yakima County, WA. May 3, 2012. Viewed: 700 times.
| A second shot of the displaying Sooty Grouse with a better view of its tail. May 3, 2012. Viewed: 2237 times.
| The backside of the displaying Sooty Grouse is quite elegant. May 3, 2012. Viewed: 682 times.