 18 items in this album  [slideshow] [login] 
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Passerines   

Album: Eastern Bluebird

Changed: Jun 03, 2024.
Contains: 6 items.
Viewed: 239 times.
Album: Western Bluebird

Changed: Jul 30, 2023.
Contains: 16 items.
Viewed: 1370 times.
Album: Mountain Bluebird

Changed: Sep 08, 2023.
Contains: 7 items.
Viewed: 933 times.
Album: Townsend's Solitaire

Changed: Nov 13, 2023.
Contains: 13 items.
Viewed: 1397 times.
Album: Veery

Changed: Sep 30, 2024.
Contains: 5 items.
Viewed: 955 times.
Album: Gray-cheeked Thrush

Changed: Sep 29, 2024.
Contains: 4 items.
Viewed: 34 times.
Album: Swainson\'s Thrush

Changed: Sep 30, 2024.
Contains: 7 items.
Viewed: 897 times.
Album: Hermit Thrush

Changed: Mar 11, 2024.
Contains: 21 items.
Viewed: 1108 times.
Wood Thrush in the Bramble in Central Park, New York City, NY. May 8, 2017.
Viewed: 817 times.
Redwing (Turdus iliacus) found along 4th St. in Olympia, WA, by Gene Revelas on December 20, 2004. It is the first sighting of this Eurasian thrush in the western United States. December 22, 2004.
Viewed: 769 times.
Another shot of teh Redwing in Olympia WA. Dec. 22, 2004.
Viewed: 805 times.
Rufous-backed Robin in Madera Canyon, Pima County, Arizona, near the Madera Picnic Area. February 17, 2022.
Viewed: 407 times.
Another shot of the Rufous-backed Robin in Madera Canyon, Pima County, Arizona, near the Madera Picnic Area. February 17, 2022.
Viewed: 347 times.
Rufous-backed Robin eating berries in a bush in Madera Canyon, Pima County, Arizona, near the Madera Picnic Area. February 17, 2022.
Viewed: 365 times.
Rufous-backed Robin at La Posta Quemada Ranch, Pima County, Arizona. February 4, 2023.
Viewed: 216 times.
Rufous-backed Robin along Blue Haven Road near Patagonia, Arizona. January 15, 2024.
Viewed: 144 times.
Album: American Robin

Changed: Jul 31, 2023.
Contains: 11 items.
Viewed: 939 times.
Album: Varied Thrush

Changed: Jun 23, 2022.
Contains: 16 items.
Viewed: 1018 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Passerines   
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