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Northern Saw-whet Owl roosting in a fir tree on Selah Heights west of Selah, Yakima County, WA. January 1, 2005. Viewed: 3448 times.
| Northern Saw-whet Owl roosting in a fir tree with a rodent in its talons on Selah Heights west of Selah, Yakima County, WA. December 20, 2004. Viewed: 3116 times.
| One of the guys pruning trees in a local orchard found this Northern Saw-whet Owl tucked under a large limb. Near Yakima, WA. Feb. 9, 2006. Panasonic DMC-FZ20. Viewed: 3007 times.
| The Northern Saw-whet Owl appeared very tame and not bothered by us taking its photo. Near Yakima, WA. Feb. 9, 2006. Panasonic DMC-FZ20. Viewed: 3043 times.
| Northern Saw-whet Owl #3. Near Yakima, WA. Feb. 9, 2006. Panasonic DMC-FZ20. Viewed: 3095 times.
| Northern Saw-whet Owl in its preferred roost spot tucked into the cedar tree. Feb. 6, 2007. Panasonic DMC-FZ20. Viewed: 2805 times.
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Northern Saw-whet Owl in the cemetery on West Wapato Road 2.8 miles west of Lateral A, west of Wapato, WA. Feb. 6, 2007. Panasonic DMC-FZ20. Viewed: 2865 times.
| A close-up of this small owl. It looks a little perturbed at the attention. Feb. 8, 2007. Panasonic DMC-FZ20. Viewed: 2810 times.
| Northern Saw-whet Owl in the cemetery on West Wapato Road west of Wapato, WA. Feb. 8, 2007. Panasonic DMC-FZ20. Viewed: 2849 times.
| A second Northern Saw-whet Owl at Windy Point Ranch, one of three found there in January 2011. Jan. 13, 2011. Panasonic DMC-FZ28. Viewed: 2158 times.
| Northern Saw-whet Owl roosting in a pine tree at Windy Point Ranch on Parker Heights east of Wapato, WA. Jan. 8, 2011. Panasonic DMC-FZ28. Viewed: 2187 times.
| A third Northern Saw-whet Owl at Windy Point Ranch east of Wapato, WA. March 2, 2011. Panasonic DMC-FZ28. Viewed: 2156 times.
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Northern Saw-whet Owl found on the Mt. Adams Golf Course south of Toppenish, WA, on the Toppenish NWR Christmas Bird Count. Does it have a rodent in its right talon? Dec. 17, 2012. Nikon Coolpix P510. Viewed: 2074 times.
| Northern Saw-Whet Owl in a tree in the Reservation Memorial Cemetery west of Wapato, WA. Feb. 7, 2013. Nikon Coolpix P510. Viewed: 2014 times.
| One of five Northern Saw-whet Owls seen at Bridgeport State Park, Okanogan County, WA. Feb. 12, 2016. Viewed: 1838 times.
| Northern Saw-Whet Owl at the Reservation Memorial Cemetery on W. Wapato Rd, Wapato, WA. March 10, 2018.
Viewed: 1446 times.
| Northern Saw-whet Owl owllet peeking out of the nest cavity in a snag in the Wenas Campground in the Wenas area northwest of Selah, WA. May 29, 2018. Viewed: 1375 times.
| Northern Saw-whet Owl in a blue spruce tree at the Wapato Reservation Community Cemetery along West Wapato Rd. 4.5 miles west of Wapato, WA. Dec. 8, 2019. Dec. 8, 2019. Viewed: 1114 times.
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