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| American White Pelicans at the Potholes rookery southwest of Moses Lake, WA. August 10, 2003. Viewed: 2200 times.
| White Pelicans with a Great Egret at the Potholes rookery southwest of Moses Lake, WA. August 10, 2003. Viewed: 2152 times.
| American White Pelicans (more than 160 of them in this photo) soaring over the Potholes WRA southwest of Moses Lake, WA. August 10, 2003. Viewed: 2084 times.
| American White Pelicans over the Mosebar area, Yakima County, WA. August 6, 2005. Viewed: 2736 times.
| American White Pelican coming in for a landing on Bolinas Bay north of Point Reyes National Seashore, CA. July 24, 2005. Viewed: 3566 times.
| An injured American White Pelican on a small island in the Yakima River near Union Gap, WA. April 26, 2006. Viewed: 2754 times.
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| It was rescued by the Yakima County Sheriff's Office search and rescue squad on April 27, 2006. As their boat approached, the pelican jumped into the water, which made it easier for the rescuers to net the bird. Viewed: 2717 times.
| The pelican was taken to a veterinarian who had to ampute the damaged section of the right wing. The Raptor House Rehabilitation Center in Selah, WA, will restore it to health while a permanent home is found for it. Viewed: 2771 times.
| American White Pelican in the Yakima River near Prosser, WA. May 13, 2006 Viewed: 2806 times.
| American White Pelican about to get bumped off the rock in the Yakima River near Prosser, WA. May 13, 2006. Viewed: 2784 times.
| American White Pelican flying over the Columbia River north of Desert Aire, WA. July 23, 2011. Viewed: 2289 times.
| American White Pelicans soaring over the Toppenish National Wildlife Refuge, WA. June 11, 2014. Viewed: 1920 times.
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| American White Pelican at the Sunnyside Wildlife Recreation Area, Yakima County, WA. May 8, 2020. Viewed: 967 times.
| Immature Brown Pelican at Ocean Shores, WA. Aug. 14, 2004. Viewed: 1399 times.
| Brown Pelican on a wharf at Corpus Christi Beach, Texas. Sept. 26, 2006. Viewed: 2414 times.
| Brown Pelican at the waterfront park in Rockport, TX. April 1, 2009. Viewed: 2421 times.
| Brown Pelicans diving for fish just off the Oyhut Wildlife Area in Ocean Shores, WA. Viewed: 326 times.
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