Scarlet Macaws, one of the highlights of our trip to the Carrara National Park area.
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 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Wildlife in Costa Rica, 2005  Album: The birds found at Hotel Villa Lapas, Carrara National Park, on the Jungle Crocodile Tour on the Tarcoles River and in the surrounding area.   

We were on the skywalk at Villa Lapas, a series of suspension bridges, when we spotted four Scarlet Macaws quite close to the trail.
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Seeing these beautiful birds at such close range was a thrill.
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Two of them seemed to be a pair and groomed each other for quite some time.
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Something from down below caught their attention.
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There are about 250 Scarlet Macaws in the vicinity of Carrara National Park.
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It was great to have such wonderful birds stay so close for so long.
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Scarlet Macaws flying over the Tarcoles River on their way to the mangroves at the river mouth to roost for the night.
Viewed: 2333 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Wildlife in Costa Rica, 2005  Album: The birds found at Hotel Villa Lapas, Carrara National Park, on the Jungle Crocodile Tour on the Tarcoles River and in the surrounding area.   
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