Other animals we found in Costa Rica.
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 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Wildlife in Costa Rica, 2005   

Three-toed Sloth sleeping in a tree right beside the highway near Siquires. The green on its fir is algae. The bus driver let everyone out right on the road. I was sure someone was going to get run over. Costa Rican truck drivers give no quarter.
Viewed: 3236 times.
Red-eyed Tree Frog, one of my wife's target species, near the swimming pool at Laguna Lodge. We weren't allowed to use the flash, so this was taken with just a flash light.
Viewed: 2774 times.
A Mantled Howler Monkey along a waterway in Tortuguero National Park.
Viewed: 2646 times.
Holding on with its prehensile tail.
Viewed: 2727 times.
Mantled Howler Monkeys are the largest monkey in Costa Rica.
Viewed: 2607 times.
Whoever thought a branch in a tree could be so comfortable?
Viewed: 2566 times.
Two Mantled Howler Monkeys mixing it up a little.
Viewed: 2681 times.
A Central American Spider Monkey working its way through the trees in Tortuguero National Park.
Viewed: 2694 times.
A Central American Spider Monkey that was quite near our boat.
Viewed: 2604 times.
White-faced Monkey seeming to be oblivious to the people in the boat below.
Viewed: 2663 times.
White-faced Monkey. All of these monkey photos were taken with a span of ten minutes. It seemed like there were monkeys all over the place.
Viewed: 2664 times.
A common view of an American Crocodile in the Tarcoles River near Carrara National Park.
Viewed: 2631 times.
The skipper of our tour boat feeding a chicken to Fidel Castro, one of the larger crocodiles in this section of the river. Two large crocs downriver were named Saddam Hussein and Adolpf Hitler.
Viewed: 2670 times.
Another photo of Fidel Castro. My wife asked if they named one George Bush. Our guide replied that they have too many American tourists to do that. Chris said she thought it was a great idea, anyway.
Viewed: 2593 times.
A Caimen along a waterway in Tortuguero National Park.
Viewed: 2864 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Wildlife in Costa Rica, 2005   
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