Resplendent Quetzal
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 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Wildlife in Costa Rica, 2005  Album: The birds of Trogon Lodge and the Savegre Valley. Trogon Lodge sits at 7000 feet elevation in the cloud forest about 70 kilometers, by road, south of San Jose.   

Male Resplendent Quetzal, with its streaming upper tail covert feathers, near its nest in the Savegre Valley.
Viewed: 2727 times.
Another photo of the male Respledent Quetzal, thought by many to be the most beautiful bird in the Western Hemisphere.
Viewed: 2932 times.
The female Resplendent Quetzal is quite beautiful but lacks the long upper tail covert feathers.
Viewed: 2222 times.
The female Resplendent Quetzal has returned to the nest area with food for the chicks.
Viewed: 2255 times.
The upper tail covert feather of the male Resplendent Quetzal hangs out of the nest when it babysits the chicks.
Viewed: 2306 times.
A male Resplendent Quetzal stands out against the splendor of the cloud forest.
Viewed: 2381 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Wildlife in Costa Rica, 2005  Album: The birds of Trogon Lodge and the Savegre Valley. Trogon Lodge sits at 7000 feet elevation in the cloud forest about 70 kilometers, by road, south of San Jose.   
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