Rough-legged Hawk
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 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: vultures, eagles, hawks, falcons   Album: Buteos   

Rough-legged Hawk above Horse Heaven Hills south of Mabton, WA. Dec. 12, 2005.
Viewed: 3127 times.
Rough-legged Hawk near the Yakima, WA, airport along W. Washington Ave. Dec. 8, 2007. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2572 times.
Another shot of the Rough-legged Hawk near the Yakima, WA, airport along W. Washington Ave. Dec. 8, 2007. Digiscoped. Dec. 8, 2007.
Viewed: 3003 times.
Rough-legged Hawk that has spent the winter on the north side of the Yakima, WA, airport. March 8, 2008. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2674 times.
Rough-legged Hawk at the Yakima, WA, airport. The late afternoon sun added some color to its plumage. March 8, 2008. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2773 times.
Dark-phase Rough-legged Hawk soaring over Cle Elum, WA. Jan. 23, 2010.
Viewed: 2292 times.
Rough-legged Hawk along Bayview-Edison Road near HWY 20 west of Mt. Vernon, WA. Feb. 6, 2010. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2219 times.
Rough-legged on the Yakima Training Center, Yakima County, WA. Dec. 11, 2011.
Viewed: 2097 times.
Light-morph adult Rough-legged Hawk (heavily-marked individual) on Horse Heaven Hills south of Mabton, WA. This is a plumage I hadn't seen before. Jan. 13, 2013.
Viewed: 1722 times.
Rough-legged Hawk along Samish Island Road, Skagit County, WA. Feb. 16, 2013.
Viewed: 1863 times.
Female Rough-legged Hawk along Lateral C southwest of Toppenish, WA. Jan. 25, 2014. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 1809 times.
Rough-legged Hawk, heavily-marked type, on Chesaw Road in the Okanogan Highlands, Okanogan County, WA. Feb. 14, 2016.
Viewed: 1553 times.
Juvenile dark-morph Rough-legged Hawk along Bridgeport Hill Rd., Douglas County, WA. Feb. 15, 2016.
Viewed: 1567 times.
Rough-legged Hawk along Chesaw Rd., Okanagon County, WA. Feb. 14, 2017.
Viewed: 1308 times.
Rough-legged Hawk on Horse Heaven Hills south of Mabton, WA. Dec. 12, 2005.
Viewed: 1371 times.
Rough-legged Hawk soaring over the field on the north side of Sagebrush Road west of Marana, Arizona. February 11, 2022.
Viewed: 524 times.
Rough-legged Hawk hovering over the field on the north side of Sagebrush Road west of Marana, Arizona. February 11, 2022.
Viewed: 524 times.
A Common Raven chasing a Rough-legged Hawk west of Marana, Arizona. February 11, 2022.
Viewed: 534 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: vultures, eagles, hawks, falcons   Album: Buteos   
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